Software Consulting
We do a complete audit of a your current software, how it integrates with and supports business processes throughout the organization, identify where process gaps exist, and document potential risks for the organization. We can make recommendations to maintain, upgrade, or replace software as appropriate and build a road map laying out how those recommendations can be implemented within your time frame and budget.
Data Quality Analysis
Bad data can cost your organization time and money. We can do an analysis of your data quality, identify and assist with correcting bad data, and make recommendations to resolve the causes of that bad data.
Custom Software
We create and maintain software and databases tailored to fit your business processes. Depending on your needs, this can be standalone or integrate with existing or commercial-off-the-shelf software.
Data Conversion and Integration
We can help you eliminate data entry duplication by converting data from one system to another, either on a one-time basis or a scheduled and automated process. Depending on the software in use, we may also be able to setup live data sharing and integration between systems.